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Train to Become a Bilingual Yoga Teacher (EN/ES)

Be part of the FIRST Bilingual Yoga Teacher Training and enhance your knowledge, practice and teaching in English and in Spanish!

You only need to invest a bit of time every day for 4 weeks and you get 40 hours of credit with Yoga Alliance! Choose to do this with all our 5 modules in the following months and you get to be a 200-hour Yoga Teacher!

Who is this for?

  • Yogis who have some knowledge of English and Spanish (you don´t have to be fluent in both, as you can choose to work in one of the two languages - it is just good to be able to follow what is happening in both languages so you get to practice and improve your yoga-language skills!)

  • Yogis who are ready to dive deeper into their practice, both physical and theoretical, so they have better awareness of their bodies and minds and so they be more conscious of what Yoga is really about (spoiler alert: it's not about the cool Instagram pics)

  • Yogis who might not have the time to do an immersion Yoga Teacher Training and want to go at their own pace with their studying - the sessions are recorded and you have an extra month at the end of each module to revise and complete the course (and this month can be extended further, if you need even more time - we are open to hearing from you and attend your needs)

  • Possibly for aspiring Yoga teachers - by the end of all 5 modules, you will be certified to teach if you choose to; this will be a great experience to see if you really want to be a teacher and will provide you valuable tools and contacts to start your own Yoga business should you decide that this is what you want

  • Possibly for yogis who already teach Yoga - every 40-hour module will give you a YACEP certification (Yoga Alliance Continued Education Provider) which you can register so you maintain your title as Yoga teacher on Yoga Alliance; beyond the accreditation, you will get to refresh and enhance your teaching skills, with the added element of learning to teach properly in two languages

Who is this from?

I'm Alex from Cyprus and I have always lived in multilingual environments. I studied at a bilingual high school where everything was taught in Greek and English, and was led on to study a bilingual course at university (in Leicester, Strasbourg and Bruges) where part of my Law studies was also being a linguist and translator in English and French. Ten years ago, I trained to be a Yoga teacher in Costa Rica. I then got to work in the Law and Yoga fields in Greek, English, French and Spanish, with the last 5 years finding me here in Barcelona where I dedicate my time to teaching Yoga in English and Spanish. You can find out more about my Yoga experience and background here.

The language element has always intrigued me and opened my horizons in so many ways. I therefore decided that it is my passion and duty to pass my Yoga knowledge to you in both languages so you also get to enjoy more freedom and have more access to the world of Yoga.

  • You'll no longer hold back when thinking of attending classes and courses and workshops from international Yoga teachers who teach in either English or Spanish.

  • You'll have access to a wider audience, to more students, crossing the language barrier.

  • You'll be the link between teachings and audiences that had no means of finding each other before you took this step.

What will you learn?

The 200-hour Bilingual Yoga Teacher Training is divided into 5 modules of 40 hours each. You can choose to attend any or all of the modules. If you choose to complete the full training, you will be granted the 200-hour Yoga Teacher certification by Yoga Alliance. For every individual module, you still get certified by Yoga Alliance for those 40 hours (YACEP).

This is the breakdown of the 5 modules and the dates that the modules will be taking place - these dates are flexible, as you will find out further below.

  1. 40-hour Bilingual Anatomy Teacher Training (Sep 14 - Oct 11, 2024)

  2. 40-hour Manual Adjustments Teacher Training (Nov 09 - Dec 06, 2024)

  3. 40-hour Bilingual Teacher Training on Classical Yoga Philosophy (Jan 11 - Feb 07, 2025)

  4. 40-hour Bilingual Teacher Training on Pranayama and Meditation (Mar 15 - Apr 11, 2025)

  5. 40-hour Class-Building, Sequencing and Yoga Business Teacher Training (May 17 - Jun 13, 2025)

For some more information on what each individual module entails, feel free to visit my Yoga Alliance profile where the courses are enlisted.

For further details, please contact me on Instagram and on WhatsApp +34 600 09 47 50 where I will be more than happy to answer your questions :)

How will you be attending the training?

Part of the training is live and part pre-recorded. You can choose to attend the live training every Saturday in person (in my space close to Plaza Cataluña, Barcelona) or connect on zoom. All live sessions will also be recorded for you to consult them later on, should you have any doubts. This also gives you the possibility to watch at a later point any live session that you miss, although it is recommended that you attend the live sessions in person or on zoom while they are happening so you participate and ask questions as much as possible. The possibility to ask questions later on is also there, as everything will be taking place virtually on my app and website to which you will be given access as trainees.

Although each relevant training will be taking place within four (busy) weeks (as seen above), you are welcome to go at your own pace. All lectures will be recorded and provided to you, and you can choose to schedule your final one-to-one exam when you are ready to complete the course and claim your Yoga Alliance certificate. 

Upon successful completion of each module's tasks and exam, you will be granted a 40-hour certification which is considered Continued Education within the Yoga Alliance standards and/or can be added to the 4 other similar programmes we provide so you complete a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training within the Yoga Alliance standards.

For each module, there are four sessions that you can attend on zoom every Saturday at 11:30-14:00 Spanish time, starting on the first day of each course and continuing every consecutive Saturday. Each module is therefore divided into 4 parts, each to be explored on each Saturday, with time for questions at the beginning and end of the session. If you cannot attend a session, you are asked to access the recorded session online as soon as possible so that you can be up to date with the daily practices. These 4 sessions add up to 10 hours of training.

Every day from Monday to Friday there will be a short class uploaded for you to attend online, applying what was taught on the previous Saturday. This will only take 10-15 minutes a day but you are then required to dedicate another 45-50 minutes to studying and teaching what was learnt in each day's class. You are free to go at your own pace but you are advised to complete these 5 shorter classes before the next Saturday so you can ask questions and be in a position to build up on what was already taught. Since this will take place for 4 weeks, 5 hours per week would add up to another 20 hours of training.

The last 10 hours are what you should dedicate to your own practice and teaching, the additional homework that you will be asked to hand in, as well as the preparation and the completion of the final exam. For the prerequisite of "your own practice", you are required to attend at least four 75-minute group classes with me in person or online (included in the price of the training). The final homework to hand in will be in the form of a video where you apply or present what was taught throughout the module. The final exam is simply a 1-hour one-to-one session online or in person with me where you receive feedback on your final homework and where you show proof of the fact you interiorised what was taught and you retain the important aspects of the course.

You are advised to complete each module within a maximum of two months from the date of starting it, but we understand that you might need extra time and for that reason we ask you to keep us updated so we can make this work FOR YOU!

What's the price?

I am in the great position to let you know that this unique training is at an ALL-TIME LOW COST this season, at half the value it normally has.

Each module will cost you only 199 euros and, should you choose to do the whole training, you only pay 795 euros for all 5 modules (which is a further 200-euro discount for the Yoga-Alliance certified 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training, as 199 times 5 add up to 995 euros).

At the price are included FOR EACH MODULE:

  • Four 2-and-a-half-hour Saturday sessions (in person or online)

  • Twenty shorter sessions available from Monday to Friday throughout the 4 weeks

  • Four 1-hour-and-15-minute Vinyasa classes (in person or online)

  • One 1-hour private session with me where you receive feedback on your work and get to discuss the training and get answers to your questions and concerns regarding your yoga path in general

  • A 40-hour YACEP certification and a further Yoga Alliance diploma as a 200-hour Yoga Teacher, should you complete all 5 courses

  • Access to the Yogi On The Go app and website with dozens of classes and tools for you to consult anytime anywhere

  • A community that will keep you motivated and supported on this deep-dive Yoga journey so you get the results you want fast, efficiently and in a fun way :)

Are the spots limited?

Yes, very much so. I am only opening up this first Bilingual Yoga Teacher Training to 9 yogis, which means that, if you want to be part of our small family, you should ACT FAST!

Please complete the application form here and you will hear back from me within the next couple of days. Filling in the form shows your interest in attending one or multiple modules of this Bilingual Yoga Teacher Training. I will then get in contact with you with all the information on how to financially commit to the course (as per the price information above). Your spot is only reserved once you make your financial investment.

Again, should you have further questions or doubts, please feel free to contact me on Instagram and on WhatsApp +34 600 09 47 50 :)

I'd love it if you decide to be part of these innovative courses and I really hope that you make the most of this Bilingual Yoga Teacher Training, whether you choose to do one, various, or all 5 modules! The goal is to have more bilingual practitioners and teachers out there with good knowledge of Yoga, of their bodies, and who can lead others to move in a safe and effective way while living their best lives!




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